
Tangle: to bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or intertwisted threads, strands, or other like parts

January 27, 2011

Almost sleep, scroll frame, and elopement

So I ended up taking some generic Benadryl last night with dinner and it made me so tired, but my ear and head ached less so it was worth it. I had only gotten about three hours of sleep total yesterday after vacuuming and shampooing the living room carpet, so I can understand that it was partially lack of sleep that made it hit me so hard. Anyway, long story short, I did not do any knitting or any cross stitching at all last night. Usually I do a little every night, so I feel like I am behind on some self imposed deadline or something. Wow, I hate that feeling.

The worst part? I didn't even sleep good. I woke up every fifteen minutes all night long. I did the same thing the other nights I have managed to sleep this week. I am becoming easily irritated. Oh well, I will get over it.

My fiance, Bobby, went to Michael's and Menard's last night after work and bought stuff to make me a homemade scroll frame for my cross stitching. We thought it would be cheaper. All we needed was a couple of little knobs, a couple of cheap dowel rods and some bolts of some sort.We already had some wood pieces that he could cut down to make the rest of the frame. I can't tell you specifics of the hardware he had to get, but I know he grabbed some 3/4 in by 36in dowel rods and was going to cut them down into two 12in and two 24in rods for my frame so I could change the size as I needed to. The problem? He doesn't have a workshop or anything, so he was out in the cold trying to cut the pieces of  wood we had (I don't know if it was oak or maple or what) with a handheld saw of some sort and could not get the pieces cut correctly. He spent a long time on it before giving up in frustration and telling me he would just buy me a scroll frame from Michaels. The best part is that the dowel rods he had would also fit in the frame he had seen there, so that means I will end up with three different sizes! YAY!

Does anyone have any suggestions as to which brands of scroll frames are the best? I looked up some on several different sites and they all look the same to me. Here is one I found on Amazon. I am assuming that they are all about the same as this one. Of course, eventually I am going to want one of the ones on a stand, but I will wait until I have more money and more experience at cross stitching.

.Homecrafters Deluxe Hardwood Scroll Frame 6 Inch x12 InchHomecrafters Deluxe Hardwood Scroll Frame 6 Inch x12 Inch

Now, I am sure you are wondering about the elopement part of my title. Well, most of you don't know me well yet, so you wouldn't know that we have been planning on getting married this summer down in his home state of Texas. I have been finding stuff on listia and ebay and freecycle to use for the wedding, as we are some broke people and cannot afford even a used wedding dress or a real ceremony. Not whining, just stating facts LOL. I had bought a bunch of different white and white with pink flowers from the Dollar Tree and put together some pretty bouquets and my best friend was going to make a beautiful wedding cake for me. I have been planning this for over a year already LOL.

Now, though,  Bobby has pretty much decided that we should elope. I thought he was kidding the first time he mentioned it, as he was the one so adamant about having a real wedding, since I have always wanted one. My first marriage was at a courthouse in front of a judge that I didn't even like, and was over in about a minute and didn't even feel real. So, he wanted to give me a real wedding with the walk down an aisle and a wedding dress (of sorts) and a bouquet and cake and all that. Now he keeps hinting around about elopement, which is fine with me and would be a lot less stressful when it comes down to it.

He was sitting at his computer desk a couple of nights ago and I was watching a rerun of a Glee episode, the one with the Glee wedding!, and I asked him jokingly (as he hates Glee) if we could have a Glee wedding. He looked at me and said "I thought maybe we would elope. That I would take a week's paid vacation and we would go somewhere and spend it alone, without the kids."  What?!!! I told him that it sounded great but that the kids would be disappointed because they were planning on being in the wedding. He thinks that they would get over it pretty quickly. So I am going to assume (and hope the old saying doesn't hold true about that word) that he is planning something. Sweet!

I told him I was going to blog about it and he said not to mention specific dates. So I am assuming that he is planning to do it before the originally planned July date. I am so excited. Especially since it seems that it won't be as long an engagement as I had originally thought it would be. For those of you that don't know us well, he didn't propose until my last birthday.  We had been together for four years and I thought he would never get around to proposing. We got into this big stupid fight because he didn't spend hardly any time at all with me on my birthday, and then when he got home a little after midnight that night (so okay, technically it wasn't my birthday anymore) he dropped down on the knees and proposed. I didn't even know what to say at first I was so shocked! After saying Ok, I proceeded to texting everyone I knew a picture of the ring along with the news. He helped me take a few good pictures of the ring to capture the color right. He even told me to change the status on my facebook, even though he hadn't told his mom yet and I knew she would see it. He is the sweetest.

Do you see why I call this blog a day in the tangles skeins of my life yet? If not, then you will eventually. My life gets way more tangled and confusing then it has been lately. Have I mentioned that I am friends again with my ex boyfriend that I hadn't seen since I started dating Bobby and that Bobby is okay with it since my ex boyfriend used to be one of my closest friends ever, and that my son's dad is back into his life for some reason, while my daughter hasn't seen hers since Christmas? LOL Ok I will stop there.

I hope to accomplish some crafty things today, but I also have to finish cleaning the remaining carpets at some point today, and there are some errands I have to run. So we will see what I actually get done. I can't wait until Saturday, when I get to go pick out my scroll frame and also get to pick out some more yarn, and cross stitching supplies. Being broke people, as some of you probably know from either experience, or from knowing other broke people LOL, I don't actually get to buy this stuff new usually. I am always on freecycle asking if anyone has stuff they are wanting to get rid of, or I am on listia or ebay getting kits no one wants, or boxes of mixed partials of yarn. It makes me happy, whether it is new or used or unwanted, so it doesn't matter to me where it comes from. It is still exciting to get to go to a crafty store and look around, knowing that this time I actually get to buy something :) Usually I am just looking at stuff and getting ideas about what I might want to do in the future. I love finding new free project sheets when I look around too. It is like the fun little surprise in a box of kids cereal. They are already enjoying the sugary deliciousness of their cereal so the treat is just that added bonus. Yep, that is how I feel with project sheets. I am already loving just being in the store and viola, a project sheet I didn't have already. YAY! HAHA yep, I am weird.

So I will stop my random ramblings now. Thanks for being my faithful tanglers. I notice that for some reason my comments section is working where it wasn't before. I must have finally got a setting right! So feel free to leave as many comments as you want to. I love hearing from everyone, either on here or in the groups I am in. Any suggestions, constructive criticism, hints, ideas, or just 'hey how ya doing's are welcome. Until next time..

Happy Crafting!


  1. So it has come to this - I find out about your life on your blog, rather than from you. It is like you got famous and left me behind or something. Ha. Well, I am sad I don't get to make a cake, but it is kind of a relief since it has been so long since I made one and the last two I made (Joey's Pokemon bday one and Serenity's extremely short barbie one) didn't turn out all that great, maybe this is for the best. I would have hated to disapoint anyone with it. I love how crafty you have become. So do you have any idea where you might be going? I may actually get to go to New Orelans around Mardi Gras this year. I hope I don't see any naked people. Or more specifically any naked women.

  2. Sounds like your life is really moving along and I can tell you are excited about beginning your life with Bobby as his wife. Don't stress about crafting; remember it is for your enjoyment and pleasure and no deadlines. Have fun with everything and I'll be checking into your blog soon to see how everything goes.


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