
Tangle: to bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or intertwisted threads, strands, or other like parts

February 1, 2011

Cry baby day (or Life Pretty Much Sucks!)

If you don't want to hear all my crappy problems, please feel free to skip down a few paragraphs to get to my progress on my knitting and cross stitch WIPs and finishes! LOL

OK, so as if it wasn't bad enough that we lost our small amount of food stamps that we bought our groceries with, other crap is going wrong pretty steadily this year. For you that didn't know, we are poor folk LOL. We were getting 141.00 a month in food stamps and that was what I was feeding our family of four on pretty much. Bobby would go and get bread and milk as we ran out, but other than that, the food stamps were it. I would buy what was on sale at the beginning of the month and make it last all month. I got paid late in December for twenty two hours of work and it was enough to make us loose the food stamps. YAY

So that was a bummer, that we were going to have to come up with grocery money at least in the month of February, until I could maybe get the food stamps back. Then the washer decides to break down last week. Bobby tried to fix it himself, but the best he could do was run the hose over the washer and we fill it up manually, so we have to pay attention to the cycles. I forgot the first time and it tried to rinse with no water and ended up breaking off part of the agitator fin thingies. Anyway, so either way that was what we had worked out.

Then this last weekend I was so excited because we were going to Michael's to get me a scroll frame. We made it a whole six or seven miles from home before Bobby's car started acting up. It dies anytime you put on the brake. After pulling over facing a huge drop off where they are building the new highway, we discovered it dies when you put it in reverse as well. So he had to push it backwards until it was far enough away to be able to turn it around. It was fun getting home with it dieing every time he touched the brake!

So we went home and got my car, since he really wanted me to be happy and get my scroll. I was disappointed when I got there because I had a list of stuff I wanted to get while I was there, but they were out of or didn't have most of what I was looking for. I should have went to Joann's probably. I never made it to Big Lots either, but that was OK. I did get a magnifying glass with a light and it really helps me on that linen fabric. Such tiny little holes!

So, now we are to Saturday night. Bobby spent all night working on our projection TV we got for really really cheap a couple of weeks ago (I think it was 50 or 75 dollars!). We couldn't pass up something that big for that cheap! We didn't know about the washer or car yet, so don't think we were just throwing away needed money LOL. It was a little cloudy, so Bobby looked up how to fix it and bought the stuff he needed. Well, it didn't work the way it was supposed to, and now he can't get the colors aligned or something like that. So now we just have the thing sitting in the living room, not in use, waiting for us to find a way to fix it. SIGH

I worked on my cross stitch Sunday and some knitting Sunday night. I was bummed about the car and the TV so I didn't update the blog or do much of anything. Monday rolls around and I spend some time on stuff. I finish my double knit hat and start on my scarf KAL again. I was happy when Bobby got home with the mail. I got my new longer circular needles set and the dress I had got for a little over $5.00 for Serenity to wear, before I knew that Bobby planned on eloping!

Of course, one of the needles was broke when I opened the package. After waiting for three weeks, I felt a little let down, but it was a size I have no use for in that length anyway, so oh well. But that dress. Gosh Serenity was so happy, but then I had to open my mouth about us not having a wedding after all. She cried for a half hour straight and is still depressed. I told her she could wear it somewhere else, but she had her heart set on being a flower girl. I feel really bad for letting her down. Of course, with everything going wrong, the elopement and the following honeymoon isn't going to happen anyway.

Now I am up to last night. Joey wanted me to wash his gym clothes so he could have them today at school, and I stayed up late making sure they were washed and dried. He always waits until after I do a load of clothes before he asks me to wash anything LOLYAY

I finally got to bed around five in the morning, just to lay there and toss and turn. I fell asleep around six and woke up at six thirty to get the kids off to school and found Serenity with a fever. So she is laying here beside me, watching a movie, totally miserable. She isn't one to sleep off an illness, so we will both be up all day watching TV. No nap for me.

Now I am done telling you why it is cry baby day for me. I kinda want to cry over everything, but I won't. Bobby is already upset because he did his taxes Friday and he is only getting about five hundred back. He got a lot more back last year. He was going to use his tax return to take me somewhere for our elopement and honeymoon. Now that looks like it isn't going to happen. No marriage this year I guess. I told him that we could always get married by a judge and then take a honeymoon some other year. He is disappointed though. Now, with the car and the washer and dryer he is super stressed.

Did I mention his birthday is in less than two weeks? His birthday is on Valentine's Day and I want to get him something special to cheer him up. But I know I need so save any child support I may get, fingers crossed that I get some, for groceries and bills. So I will probably try to make him something and get him a card. He says he doesn't want anything, but I don't want him to feel unloved on his birthday.

OK, now I will stop with the depressing stuff. I just had to get it all out! I feel a little better now. I am putting a couple of pics of Serenity it the new dress on here, just because she is so pretty! Here they are:

So, as I said earlier, I finished my double knit hat. I am not too thrilled with it. I messed up in several places and didn't see them until it was too late to even try to fix them. Also the top was going all pointy. I don't know why that happens exactly, but I increased my decreases and stopped doing the non decreasing rows in between the decreasing rows (if that made sense) and that took care of that problem. Here is the finished product:

Not too bad for my first ever double knit project. It is funny that it sits so high up on my head (it barely covers the tops of my ears) but on Bobby it comes all the way down over his ears. I have a huge head, I guess. Anyway, the most noticeable mess ups are on the silverish side and he will only wear it with the black side out, so it turned out OK. He probably will never wear it, but he will keep it forever because I made it. Isn't he sweet!

I also started on my Crowning Glory scarf again. Remember that one? I had to frog the whole thing and was really upset. The second attempt (or actually about the tenth of you count all the false starts where I messed up on the first few rows) is turning out pretty good. Let's all keep our needles crossed that I don't screw it up again!  Here is a picture of it. I am loving how much easier it is on the longer circular needles.

I also started on a new washcloth KAL last night. I am loving washcloths right now. They are interesting to make and are a quick project. I love seeing completed items and knowing that I made them. Quick projects like washcloths give me that happy feeling. Here are some pics of the washcloth I am working on. I can't wait to get some more of the pattern in my email tomorrow! I cannot tell what it is going to be yet. I thought maybe some kind of heart pattern, since it is February, but not I am not so sure. Isn't that exciting!

I have no idea why one picture is sideways LOL

Today, I am going to start a place mat KAL that started last week. I didn't have the yarn or needles for it until now, which is why I am a week behind. Luckily she is only sending out rows on weekdays, or I would be even farther behind. I am looking forward to seeing how it turns out. I haven't done a place mat before.

I also want to work on my cross stitch project today at some point. I only managed another twenty something stitches Sunday before my eyes got too tired, even with the frame and magnifying glass. I will be happy when I am totally over this cold and able to get more than an hour or so of sleep at night. I hate being tired and cranky and making everyone around me miserable LOL. At least Bobby babies me some, so there is a bright side to being sick. I am just too headachey and cranky to appreciate it usually. Here are a couple of pics of my progress on the cross stitch:

That is about all there is. You are now totally up to date on my life! I am grateful for my faithful tanglers. I am hopeful that I won't be so whiny in my next posts. I am glad that you put up with it (or skipped most of it)!
I hope you will feel free to leave some comments, whether they be on the WIPs or my life. Until next time...
Happy Crafting!


  1. Hi, Amanda. I came to your blog from the washcloth group. In one post you were mentioning listia, which I had never used. It seems that you could get extra credits there if I sign up through you, so do you want to send me the link?
    So sorry it started out as a bad day. I hope it's getting better.

  2. I am so sorry to hear that you have been having such a rough time of it this year. Know that you aren't alone. Just hang in and keep praying that with the warmer weather of spring things will get better. I'll be thinking of you.


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