
Tangle: to bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or intertwisted threads, strands, or other like parts

February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day, Bobby's 25th birthday, not much going on really

There isn't a whole lot to report on this update. Bobby is sick just in time for his birthday tomorrow. Yep his birthday is Valentine's Day if I had forgotten to mention that before. He is going to be 25 this year. I told him he is getting old and I may have to trade him in for a newer model! Of course, if I went for anyone younger than him, I would have to start trolling my son's high school. Ewww. Anyway, all joking aside, I hope he feels better tomorrow. He is going to go ahead and work, even though he only made it out of bed once today. I am keeping him medicated for his headache and sore throat. I woke him up long enough to eat something and take something for his headache and then he was back asleep. It made for a lonely yet peaceful Sunday. Both kids were gone and he was in bed all day, so I just sat in the living room without even the TV on and worked on my cross stitch. Didn't get a whole lot done on it for the amount of time I put in, but that is ok. I was going to work on it some more tonight, but ended up with a big knot in the floss and decided that my eyes were too tired to mess with it. Here is a pic of my progress so far:

So far I am not thrilled with the half stitches it calls for. It says in the directions for this chart that I am to do all full stitches and quarter stitches with two strands of floss and to do all other stitches with one. I took that to mean that the half stitches were done with one strand, but it just doesn't look right to me. I am going to go ahead with the one strand for now, because I don't want to run out of floss. But I might go back and go over it again with another strand later if I still think it looks like it isn't right.

I haven't done any knitting this weekend. Weird, huh? Usually I knit a little every day, but I took yesterday and most of today off. I spent yesterday with Bobby for the most part. We dropped Joey off at his grandparents to see his dad and his half sister Hailey and went to Wal Mart to get Bobby's birthday present he wanted. We stopped at McDonald's for Serenity to use her gift card on a happy meal and then went to KFC for us to eat. Then we dropped her off at the bowling alley in Oakland for a birthday party. Then we were alone for the rest of the night, as both kids spent the night elsewhere. Of course for most of the night Bobby was working on the house. He is setting it up so that the lights go on and off automatically as we go in and out of rooms. We have a remote control for all the lights and appliances also. It is kinda nifty, now that I am getting used to it. It was also a lot cheaper than I would have thought it would be. So while he did that, I got most of my floss for my HAED wound onto bobbins. I have 38 of the 89 colors so far. I am spending a lot of time searching ebay and listia for floss for it. I have plenty of time to get all the floss since I want to get quite a bit more of my current cross stitch project done before I start it.

So that is about it on this update. I don't have any plans for Valentine's Day. I cooked a nice roast and vegetables tonight in the crock pot, so I won't have to cook tomorrow,except for the birthday brownies. I might put those off if Bobby isn't feeling better tomorrow after work. No point in making him his favorite dessert for his birthday if he isn't going to feel like eating it. I wonder if he got me a card or anything. You never know with him. Some years I get cards and gifts for what seems like every holiday, and then some years I don't even get a birthday card LOL. It all depends on if he remembers to get to the store. His intentions are usually good. He intends to go buy me a card or gift, he just tends to forget until the day of whatever occasion it is and then he feels like a jerk because he didn't have anything for me. He is a sweetheart, really. You just have to dig deep to find the sweetness sometimes HAHAHA.

I hope all of you crafty tanglers out there have a great Valentine's Day, whether you are single, in a relationship, or whatever the case may be. Until next time... Happy Crafting!

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