
Tangle: to bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or intertwisted threads, strands, or other like parts

January 26, 2011

Sleepless nights lead to..... washcloths?

I am so tired of being sick and sick of being tired. There, I have done my whining for the day. I haven't managed to pick up my Crowned Glory KAL, or made any progress on my cross stitch or hat WIPs. I did manage to finish my first washcloth last night. Here are some pics. I wish I had a camera, instead of just my phone. I can't get the colors to show up too well.

An up close and a not so close pics of both sides of my first ever washcloth. Serenity loves it and can't wait to try it out.

I couldn't sleep after I finished it, so I decided that since I have a bit of the cotton yarn left, I would look up more washcloth patterns. Luckily I am in a yahoo group that does a lot of washcloth KALs, so I found some cute ones. I didn't have any one colored cotton yarn, so the pattern didn't show up well in the next washcloth I knitted. Yes! You heard me correctly. I knitted another one already. Sleeplessness sometimes means you can accomplish more in a night, if you are too tired to function anyway. Here is the pics of my second washcloth. I think it is cute, even though you can't see it well.

Can you make it out? It is a bunny! I thought it was cute, so I had to do it. I don't mind that it doesn't show up well, because I know what it is and can see it. That is what really matters, isn't it? How I feel about my creations? Well, I love it. I am feeling a rather sleepy feeling of pride.  I can't wait to see what I make next!

Now that I have finished that one and updated this blog, I am going to vacuum the carpets and get ready to shampoo them. I really doubt I will get it all done today, as I am going on no sleep. I will probably just pass out after I vacuum and worry about the rest tomorrow. Yep, that actually sounds like a plan. Even better would be to just pass out now and do the vacuuming tomorrow. :-) That sounds really good. I just might do that.

We will see if sleeping today leads to more projects completed tonight! I need to weave in the ends of both washcloths, as well as two scarves that I did a week ago for my daughter to take as gifts to a birthday party this Friday. Then I need to either work on the cross stitch or the double knit hat. I am still not feeling focused enough for the Crowing Glory, but who knows how I will feel after a few hours of sleep and maybe as pot or two of coffee.

So, I will catch you all up tomorrow probably. Maybe I will surprise us all and do something spectacular. I don't know what that something might be, but life is full of surprises. Especially when you are open to new ideas and experiences. Until next time, my tangled tanglers

Happy Crafting! (or Happy Crafty as I sometimes like to say)


  1. I love your project! I haven't crocheted for several years. I cannot knit, though I have always wanted to. I don't think w/ a paralyzed hand I could though.

  2. Congrats on the finished wash clothes. I'm planning to make couple of those too this year. They make fantastic gifts. Yours are looking lovely.

  3. I thought it was a bear, but yes I could see the design.


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