
Tangle: to bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or intertwisted threads, strands, or other like parts

June 12, 2020

Started as a Scentsy Consultant today!

As the title states, I have become a Scentsy consultant. I got a sudden urge a couple hours ago, and here we are. We will see how this goes. I've never had much luck at selling things. I love Scentsy though, so I thought I would give it a try.

I use my warmer all day, every day. I love having a pleasant scent throughout the house. It makes me smile when I get home and am greeted by a lovely smell. I like to try different scents, but there are a few that I always go back to. I am partial to lemon verbena. It is such a light and happy scent! I also enjoy bakery scents. Warm apple pie, anyone? How about blueberry cheesecake? There are so many scents to choose from!

If anyone is interested, I have a party going right now. It would be the perfect time to buy a Father's Day gift!

I also have a website . Feel free to go and browse. Maybe you'll find something you like. I didn't even know they offered some of the items that are available!

May 14, 2020

Let's Try This Again

It's been quite a while since I last updated my blog. I think it was in 2017 the last time I posted anything.

I am going to try this again. I am going to go back to a more personal blog, instead of just reviews and sponsored posts.

Today I received my acceptance letter to Eastern Gateway Community College. I have decided to go back to school. I am officially a student again at the age of 43. I am going to try to become an accountant. That was my goal years ago, when I was in high school. I have went to college/university three times and something always happened so that I have never finished even a full semester at any of them. I am hoping that this time will be different.

I occasionally, over the years, have taken free online classes from various sites. The last few months I have been taking free courses from various colleges and universities. I decided to make it official and work on a degree instead of just doing it for fun. Now it will be stressful and goal oriented. Why am I doing this to myself?

My ultimate goal is to become an accountant and to manage the accounts at the business my husband and I plan to start. In the interim, I will go to school while keeping at least one of my two jobs. 

I have also been working on teaching myself some languages. The main one is Spanish. I would like to become fluent, or at least able to have a simple conversation in that language. In my places of employment, I speak to non-English speakers every day that I am at work. It is frustrating for both myself and the people when we are trying to communicate and are unable to. I have been improving at getting the main ideas across, but would like to be able to actually carry on the conversation, understanding each other. I think my main issue with this language is that I don't really have people to converse with in a relaxed setting. At work it is not practical to take time to practice, because no one has the time to sit and talk. I think that if I find someone to practice with I will be able to improve a lot and be able to perform my jobs a lot easier.

The second language I have been working on is American Sign Language. This one I am finding easier to learn in some ways. The signs seem to stay in my memory easier. My main problems with this language is that 1) I am not able to catch all the signs when people talk at full speed, and 2) I don't actually know anyone with which to practice with.

The third language I started learning is Korean. I am a beginner at this language so do not know what the main issues I will have with this language other than pronunciation and memorization. It is a difficult language to learn and I doubt I will ever become fluent. I would like to be able to understand what I am hearing in the shows I watch and music I listen to. Speaking it well would be great, but isn't my ultimate goal.

So, my plan for this blog going forward is to write about going back to school as well as my language progress. I might even try to write a post or two in my main target language. I might start posting about crafting and cooking again. I have started knitting again after a break of almost two years. It is so relaxing. I don't know why I ever stopped.

 I hope that you won't be disappointed in the new direction of the blog, if I have any followers left after all these years. Feel free to leave comments telling me of your experiences in school, language learning, crafting, or anything you would like to address.

I'll talk to y'all again soon!